
Welcome! This is my personal website where I post about anything from the myriad of topics that interest though as someone who is passionate about cybersecurity and the GNU/Linux ecosystem, those are primarily what the content of this site is going to revolve around.
Nonetheless, I will certainly cover other matters that I particularly care about such as privacy, open source and free software, Qubes OS, digital rights, right to repair, self-hosting and setting up a homelab, geopolitics and more.

Here I will be posting everything from articles and opinion pieces to detailed posts about my projects, writeups, and guides on any topic of interest. You will also be able to find the recording and slides and/or notes of any talk or presentation I host.

Disclaimer: All views and opinions expressed here belong solely to the owner and does not represent those of any other individual or entity the owner is in any capacity affiliated with. All information is provided solely for education purposes and is ensured to be accurate to the best effort of the owner.
Please click here or scroll down to view the full disclaimer of this site.

If you are interested in my professional services or career, please click here to view my resume!

See below for further details about me and what to expect out of each section!

About Me

Hello! I am Daylam Tayari though I go by 'tayari' online. I am a current junior cybersecurity student at Arizona State University and incoming security consultant 1 at Bishop Fox where I will be a penetration testing intern, starting in May of 2022.
I am the Vice-President ASU's cybersecurity club, Devilsec with which I also compete in collegiate cybersecurity competitions such as in the National CCDC and an active member of the ASU's Linux User's Group.

I am an avid proponent of individual digital rights, pushing not only for users having control over their data but also having independence from services, encouraging competition including the existence of open source alternatives which are fully accessible to users and can be self-hosted with relative ease.
As such many of its overarching topics and themes will be discussed here, everything from privacy to right to repair and open source and free software.

Note: Whenever I use the term 'free software', I use it as defined by the Free Software Foundation, software that "the users have the freedom to run, copy, distribute, study, change and improve the software" (Free Software Foundation definition of free software). I do not use it to mean a piece of software that is at no charge to the user, for such I will use the term 'gratis'.

As someone who prefers to self-host the majority of what I use on the regular, I have an extensive homelab which is also ever-growing as I constantly discover new things that I would be interested in using and/or hosting and as I expand my storing capacity as truth to be told I am a data hoarder and got numerous minor personal projects for things that I want to do with the data.
Self-hosting and topics on setting up a homelab or learning to deploy a variety of software, including enterprise software will be a prominent aspect of this site.
I will also be covering major upgrades to my homelab and detailing the whole process from the planning to the end result and including resources used.

I also used be a very active amateur Counter-Strike player and was one of the best in North America before stopping to compete and focusing on my career so while gaming content will definitely not be the focus of this site, there may be the occasional post on the gaming industry though it will generally be focused on a specific set of technical aspects.

About the Sections

About Articles

In this section, I will be posting both articles and opinion pieces though primarily about current events and issues.

I do not intend for this to be a news site with very regular posts or updates on what is going on in the world or in a particular field, these will be articles that are timely but cover matters of interest that I am not seeing sufficiently portrayed, seeing misrepresented or inaccurately presented, wishing to provide further details on bring more attention or to present a particular opinion or view that I am not seeing sufficiently portrayed or understood.

About Guides

Here I will be posting guides on how to accomplish a variety of things though they will primarily focus on GNU/Linux and privacy topics including numerous specifically on Qubes OS.

I will be writing these guides in clear and specific details to allow for clear understanding and easy following by the end users, including numerous images and for some also including a video walkthrough. If you ever have any feedback concerning the guides, please contact me and I will work to implement the feedback

No guide will ever be sponsored and unless absolutely necessary, will not include any non-gratis software but will almost always use free and open source software.
A clear disclaimer will be provided at the top of any applicable guides if there are any references or recommendations provided within the guide with which I have a conflict of interest in any capacity.

About Projects

In this section will be posts about my projects where I will be talking about everything from the inspiration and motivation behind it to the approach and design of the project, its major technical components and any issues encountered throughout the development and the change log if it is an update.

While there will usually be a post at every major iteration of a personal project, I will also have posts where I go back and revisit and past project and how it is going or cover the background and details about a specific project.
If you want to hear about the background and details of a specific project, please reach out to me and let me know!

About Talks

As the name implies, here I will be posting any talks or presentations I host, including the recordings of the presentation or talk and all of my slides and notes for that presentation.
I will be posting a written summary of the talks and also a background of the what and why behind it.

Recordings will usually be stored on my YouTube and embedded on the page itself and all chapters will be listed with their corresponding timestamps.
Slides and notes will either be posted directly on the page or embedded and linked directly.

In the case a specific talk or presentation is not licensed in the same way as this site is, it will be stated as such in a disclaimer at the top of the page.

About Writeups

Here I will be posting my writeups, the majority of which will be postmortem writeups on everything from a cybersecurity competition to a CTF but also labs on platforms such as HackTheBox.

Since I also occasionally host my own mini CTFs or competitions, I will also post the writeups for them however, those will all be with the tag organised and if applicable, will be posted in the subsection of the respective club or association this was organised for.

If ever applicable, I may also post writeups about specific real world situations which I am both able to disclose and were a good learning experience.

Contact Me

If you wish to contact me, please do so via email to [email protected].

While not mandatory, I highly advise anyone emailing me to use PGP key encryption.
The public key for the above email can be found at and when sending your email, please attach your public key to allow me to also respond in an encrypted fashion.

If you wish to contact me concerning professional matters, please DO NOT use this email and use my professional email which you can find in the contact section of my resume page.

Support Me

If you enjoy my work and wish to support me you can tip me on Ko-Fi! ko-fi

You can also support me in the following ways

If you want to support me in some other mean, please contact me.

RSS Feed

All the posts on this website are accessible via an RSS feed.
To view it or add it to an RSS feed reader, please visit this URL


I have the following social medias that you can follow me on though I am solemn active on all of them though I am trying to be more active on Twitter.

Twitter Badge
YouTube Badge
Twitch Badge

Git Instances

My public repositories can be accessible at the following public Git instances


All views and opinions expressed on this site are personal and solely the opinions of the owner and do not represent those of any individual or entity the owner is associated or affiliated with any capacity, both personal and professional, unless explicitly stated otherwise. All views and opinions are presented in good faith and are not intended to malign any religion, ethnic group, club, organisation, entity or individual.
Any and all conflicts of interest will be disclaimed at the top of any applicable page or post.
While the owner makes every effort to ensure that all the information presented on this site is accurate and up to date, the information is provided "as is" and the owner disclaims all representations or warranties of any kind with regard to this information, whether express, implied, statutory or other, without limitations and including merchantability, fitness, non-infringement, absence of latent or other defects, accuracy, or the presence or absence of errors, whether or not known or discoverable.
If you do notice any typos, inaccuracy, outdated information, broken links or any other form of errors, please contact the owner of the site using the information provided in the Contact Me section of this page.
All information provided on this website has been provided in good faith and solely for educational purposes and the owner disclaims all of the aforementioned liabilities, representations and warranties in regards to the information and its use. The responsibility concerning any possible use of anything presented on this site lies exclusively with the user.
In no way do any external links, references, quotes or any other external or third party information provided on this site imply an endorsement or recommendation of any kind by the owner.
On this site there are hyperlinks provided to external sites and while the owner strives to solely provide external hyperlinks which are of the highest quality and are ethical, the owner has no control over any of the external sites linked thus the owners of the aforementioned external sites are able to modify any of the content presented without the knowledge of this site's owner. These external sites have different disclaimers, privacy policies and terms of use which are entirely independent from this site's owner. This site's disclaimer waives all liability, representation and warranties for all use and information provided by any external site which is hyperlinked on this site. If there are any hyperlinks to any external site on this page that you believe has become nefarious or erroneous, please contact this site's owner using the information provided in the Contact Me section of this page.


This site and all of its contents are copyright exclusively to Daylam Tayari unless explicitly mentioned otherwise.
This site and all of its contents are also licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license of which the full license text can be accessed here on the official Creative Commons website.

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  • Alternating the theme from its default dark theme to its light theme.
  • External analytics JavaScript script to collect non personally identifiable information. Please see the privacy policy on this page for more details.